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Lamplight Donor Services


Lamplight logo with flame

The human body is an incredible vessel, empowering us with the means to explore and enrich the world around us. From the first heartbeat to our final breath, humanity seeks a greater understanding of the world around us. By choosing to donate to Lamplight Donor Services, you can contribute to humanity's search for knowledge.

Despite incredible advances in technology, the human form can't be fully replicated. Deceased human tissue is the best option for training medical professionals, testing medical devices, conducting safety testing, and much more.


Our Partnership


Our office has partnered with Lamplight Donor Services to serve as a regional destination for families of Mid-Missouri wishing to grant this important gift.  If you are interested in learning more about this type of donation for yourself, or you are assisting in making final arrangements for a loved one, please contact our office, and we can work with you to answer your questions and decide if a whole-body donation is right for you. 






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Map showing the location of Crawford County in Missouri