Coroner's Office Achieves Full Accreditation
Our office completed the on-site inspection for our IACME accreditation after the multi-week pre-inspection and policy review by IACME. I want to credit all our staff who worked through this process. Everyone has done a great job adapting and making changes over the past four years. Their dedication and commitment to excellence in our office's service made our accreditation possible.
Being accredited is not necessarily hard, but it can be difficult. Doing anything the right way to high standards is harder than shortcutting. However, it is ultimately worth it for the families we serve. Being an accredited agency ensures every death is investigated to the proper standards as set by the NIJ, DOJ, CDC, OSAC, and others. The ongoing reviews and site inspections assure that excellence to standards is maintained.
Being an accredited organization is not a small thing; only one other facility is accredited in the State of Missouri, and that is the Jackson County Medical Examiner in Kansas City. They are accredited by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). However, we are the only coroner's office accredited in Missouri. Further, only forty-four other Coroner / Medical Examiner offices in the world are IACME accredited.
Special thanks must go to the Crawford County Commission and Sheriff Darin Layman for caring enough about the citizens and guests of Crawford County to support the coroner's office as they have done. There are many counties in Missouri where the county commissioners do not care enough to support the vital work of the coroner's office. We are blessed in Crawford County.
Darren Dake - Coroner
Letter from IACME
The International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners (IACME) announced today that the Crawford County Coroner's Office has received accreditation from the association. The Crawford County Coroner's Office self-submitted to this process for the purpose of ensuring the operating policies, procedures, and practices are within international guidelines. The office was subjected to a review of 285 standards including administrative, forensic, investigative, and facility review.
The IACME requires 100% compliance with mandatory standards and 90% of all applicable standards. The IACME extends its compliments to Crawford County for submitting to this level of review. "When an agency elects to subject themselves to this process, it clearly indicates their desire to stand to peer review and demonstrate to the public and stakeholders a strong desire to provide excellence in service provision." The completion of this process, which is for five years, indicates professionalism and
compassion by the Crawford County Coroner's Office.
The IACME congratulates the Crawford County Coroner's Office and Coroner Darren Dake for their diligence in complying with these standards, leading the way in service and compassion for those they serve and their community.